Best of the Best!

8:09 PM Unknown 0 Comments

It is official! Mz. Fashion Kulture has been nominated for Bethpage Best of Long Island 2015 for Best Blog!

Voting begins on October 1st 2014.
In order to win this is going to take a team effort from all the fashionistas that view the blog daily.
You can vote once a day per IP address at
Best of Long Island
I am thrilled for this opportunity and couldn't be happier!
I am on my way toward success and accomplishing my dreams! I hope I can inspire you to do the same!
Keep God First
He Will take You places you've never dreamed of!
                     Be Inspired
                  Be Empowered
                   Be Your  Style
                   Ashley Welsh

                 Follow Me:
            FB @ Mz. Fashion Kulture
          Pinterest@ FashionKultur3
         Blog Lovin'@ Ashley Welsh

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