Who is the FAIREST of Vanity Fair
It is the question that all of us ladies have asked at least once in our lives. "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" The buzz on the fashion scene is that crown is being worn by Kerry Washington.The newly wed
Kerry graces the cover of Vanity Fair's latest issue speaking about her heroine role on the Thursday night drama Scandal. In the show she plays the "fixer" if you will to her high profile clients, all the while guarding some of the White House's most prize secrets. It is her relationship with the president that keeps her loyal viewers watching to see what will happen next. Scandal has also gained majority of it's momentum by the social media frenzy that it ignites every Thursday. According to many viewers and fans of all ages casting Kerry Washington was the best idea they have ever had. She is the only actress who can pull of the strength and wittiness of Olivia Pope. Here at Fashion Kulture we more than agree. Kerry is always one to watch because of her amazing style sense, great presence tremendous acting skills, most of all her compassionate heart. She is a wonderful human being and she inspires me to believe in the greatness of humanity once again. If you would like to get the full cover story pick up your copy of Vanity Fair on shelves now, or follow her on Twitter @kerrywashington